小故事 Short story:心一的假日 Xinyi’s holiday

倜傥不羁 Girls’ Unfettered Life

小故事 Short story:四叶草 Four leaf clover

四叶草是草,也是我宠物的名字 Clover is grass and my pet’s name

小故事 Short story:严俪商店 Yan Li Store

小店店员的生活 The life of a shop assistant

小故事 Short story:小叶的同学生活 Xiaoye’s classmate life

学生幸苦,老师生气,好烦还是好玩? The students are exhausting, the teacher is angry, so annoying or fun?

小故事 Short story:小叶的旅行手记 Travel notes of Xiaoye

广州之旅 Travel to Guangzhou

小故事 Short story:鹿仙传 Legend of Deer Fairy

母亲奋力给孩子解毒 Mother strives to detoxify the child

小故事 Short story:真真与岚岚 Zhenzhen and Lan Lan

我们几个同学和我的宠物 Some of us classmates and my pets

小故事 Short story:倩芹的回忆 Qian Qin’s memories

回忆中忘却现在 Lost now in memory

小故事 Short story: 生活 Life

能不上学,去上海! No need to go to school, go to Shanghai!



收养流浪猫的故事 Adopt a stray cat…

约11岁时的多余想法 Extra thoughts when I was about eleven years old

小故事 Short story:心一的宠物 Xinyi’s pet

一只会关心主人、保护主人的宠物猫 A pet cat who cares about and protects its owner

推荐系列: 话梅日记
Recommended Serie: Huamei’s diary

内容介绍: 一个小学生眼里的丰富世界
Content introduction: The rich world in the eyes of a primary school student.